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A Narrowing Gap
This is mostly a follow-up on a post I wrote around a year ago which explored the idea of set recipes and dialling in, specifically...
The Water Keeps on Flowing
This post is a little update on the water and coffee project that we have been working on. In February I was invited to speak amongst...
WBC 2104 - Rimini in Bath
The great news is that both I and Seb won National coffee competitions which means we will be off to Rimini, Italy to compete in...
Craft, Specialism and Size
This post is mostly triggered by a talk I attended at the University of Bath (it’s really neat having the University up the road) by...
Green Light - Grain Pro
Seasonality has become a key aspect of speciality coffee and part of what distinguishes it from commodity coffee, of course this sits alongside the most...
The Difference - Sourness & Acidity
As mentioned in the last post, we are currently working on a water project that will become a little book. Part of that process is...
What About the Water?
Having been preoccupied with this question, its been a little while since I've written a post. Water is naturally a huge part of a cup...
An Inconvenient Truth - Accessibility
Since writing last, I've changed the title of this post a little. Indeed the conclusion of the last post does itself produce many inconveniences, it...