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WBC 2104 - Rimini in Bath

May 13, 2014

The great news is that both I and Seb won National coffee competitions which means we will be off to Rimini, Italy to compete in the world competitions early next month. The bad news is that with this and other staff commitments, it means we don’t have the resources to run the shop for the week we are away. Only Jason an Elliot will be home to staff the bar.

Don’t worry though, we have come up with a solution. It’s a pretty cool one which should hopefully be an event in its own right.

As we don’t have the staff to operate the store under normal conditions, we are going to change the operations of the store for the one week. We will be closing off the seating in store and erecting a makeshift bar at the entrance.
The cool bit is that for the duration of the week, the sole offering of the shop will be a mirror image of the drinks myself and Seb are serving in Rimini.

This will mean a batch brew offering of Seb’s brewer’s cup coffee, along with the two different espresso coffees I will be serving in my routine. To complete the mirror image we will also be preparing and serving the signature drink from the routine.

We are pretty excited about it.

This shop “costume change” will start on Saturday the 7th and continue through to the 15th of June.


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