Ratio 6 Coffee Maker

Ratio 6 Coffee Maker

Simplify your coffee routine to the touch of a button. The Ratio Six’s Bloom, Brew, and Ready phases run in sequence, delivering a perfect, easy cup of coffee every time.

Simplify your coffee routine to the touch of a button. The Ratio Six’s Bloom, Brew, and Ready phases run in sequence, delivering a perfect, easy cup of coffee every time.

Attention to Detail

Attention to Detail

The machine addresses the varying challenges of brewing great filter coffee with a highly considered design. The programming of the bloom and brew phase mimics a carefully prepared hand brew pour-over.

The heat seal on the top chamber means that brewing and slurry temperature stays high for a quality extraction. The design and materials used are very nicely considered particularly the metal water cap.

The machine addresses the varying challenges of brewing great filter coffee with a highly considered design. The programming of the bloom and brew phase mimics a carefully prepared hand brew pour-over.

The heat seal on the top chamber means that brewing and slurry temperature stays high for a quality extraction. The design and materials used are very nicely considered particularly the metal water cap.

1. Heat Seal

Pour-overs in general struggle to hold the heat of the water introduced to the coffee bed due to wide, open-top chambers. The ratio cleverly adds a rubber seal that sits right up to the shower screen area meaning the whole brew maintains high temperatures.

2. Flat Bed

One of the biggest challenges of pour-overs is to achieve a fully extracted bed of coffee whereby the water extracts from all the grounds evenly. Other brewers in this category often need manual intervention and stirring in this regard. Ratio six dispenses water evenly and consistently, resulting in an evenly mixed slurry and a nice flat bed post-brewing.

The Ratio six has become the go-to brewer for our roastery team. We think its the perfect option for those looking to brew a pot of coffee to the highest standards in a sleek and carefully designed machine.

The Ratio six has become the go-to brewer for our roastery team. We think its the perfect option for those looking to brew a pot of coffee to the highest standards in a sleek and carefully designed machine.